
Today's students require skills to prepare them to compete in the global marketplace. Language education is crucial to achieving this goal. As language educators, it is essential that we work to inform officials at the local, state, and national levels of the benefits of a strong language education.

Please be attentive to potential changes that your state's Board of Education might be making to your state's requirement where enrollment in language classes may be affected. It is up to us to be the watchdogs and to speak out where we see potential harm to our programs.

Here are some resources that you can use in your advocacy efforts. There are additional resources below:

Central States stands with ACTFL's message condemning West Virginia University's recent announcement to eliminate its World Language Programs. Please take time to read ACTFL's message, and sign the petition (link at bottom). 

From West Virginia's foreign language cuts could be a "blueprint" for higher ed attacks

Save World Language Courses at WVU

News from JNCL-NCLIS

Central States Supports the BEST Act.

Central States along with 96 other national, regional, state and local education organizations and institutions support the Biliteracy Educational Seal and Teaching (BEST) Act in the final, conferenced version of the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Read the full letter of support here.

"Anyone Can Be A Language Advocate"

From our friends at ACTFL...